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Programme UNITWIN.png
  • Registration day: Nov 25th, 2024, Monday, SYSU Zhuhai campus (From 8:30-18:00)


  • Day 1: Nov 26th, 2024, Tuesday, SYSU Zhuhai campus

    In the morning: From 08:30

Welcome & Opening 20 mins

Keynote speech (3 speakers) 1.5 h

Coffee break 20 min

Round table discussion (Topic to be confirmed) 1.5h

    In the afternoon: From 14:00

    Parallel sessions (3.5h)

In the evening: Welcome dinner and night cruising (2.5 h)


  • Day 2: Nov 27th, 2024, Wednesday, SYSU Zhuhai campus: From 08:30

In the morning:

Parallel sessions 2 h

Coffee break 20 min

Round table discussion (Topic to be confirmed) 1.5h

In the afternoon: From 14:00

Parallel sessions (3.5h)

In the evening: UNESCO UNITWIN network business meeting (1.5h)


  • Day 3: Nov 28th, 2024, Thursday, Fieldtrip to Kaiping

  • SYSU Zhuhai campus to Kaiping (2.5 h) 

Field trip to World Cultural Heritage Site: Kaiping Diaolou and the villages

Field trip to Chikan Ancient Town (a theme park-like tourist street transformed from a historic architectural complex)

Keynote speech and round table discussion with local heritage managers and practitioners

Dinner at Chikan Ancient Town

Return to SYSU Zhuhai campus


  • Day 4: Nov 29th, 2024, Friday, SYSU Zhuhai campus

Keynote speech (3 speakers) 1.5h

Round table discussion (Topic to be confirmed) 1 h


  • Day 5: Nov 30th, 2024, Saturday, Fieldtrip to Macao

From SYSU Zhuhai campus to Macao (1.5h, including cross over the border)

Field trip to World Cultural Heritage site: Historic Center of Macao

Roundtable discussion with local heritage scholars and practitioners at Macao University of Tourism

Return to SYSU Zhuhai campus

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